Results for 'Rubén Sampieri Cábal'

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  1.  18
    "Más fuerte que la ficción": La teoría pragmaticista de la metáfora de Susan Haack y su contribución a la lógica del descubrimiento.Rubén Sampieri Cábal & Ana Luisa Ponce Miotti - 2022 - Revista de Filosofía (La Plata) 52 (2):e058.
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  2. El principio mitológico y el origen racional del concepto de “vacío” en la filosofía presocrática.Adrià Porta Caballé - 2024 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 41 (3):515-526.
    La explicación tradicional del concepto de "vacío" (τò κενóν) en la filosofía antigua lo sitúa como una invención del atomismo de Demócrito y Leucipo o, incluso, del eleático Meliso de Samos. De esta manera se ocultan las profundas razones que pudieron llevar a la necesidad y surgimiento de un tal concepto, y aparece como si hubiera sido creado ex nihilo. En este artículo se pretende descubrir tanto el principio mitológico como el origen racional del concepto de "vacío" en la filosofía (...)
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  3. El vacío de Podemos: meontología política del cambio en España.Adrià Porta Caballé - 2024 - Las Torres de Lucca. Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 13 (2):211-219.
    La mayoría de análisis sobre el Podemos original (2014-2016) han tendido a prestar más atención a lo que este era (sus líderes, militancia, votantes, programa y discurso), antes que a lo que no era (su negatividad, falta de esencia o el vacío que consiguió representar). El presupuesto ontológico de que Podemos re-presenta una suerte de ente con una determinada esencia se ha podido entrever incluso en sus crisis internas. Por el contrario, este ensayo busca primero precedentes para una me-ontología política (...)
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    Politics and Time: The Nostalgic, the Opportunist and the Utopian. An Existential Analytic of Podemos’ Ecstatic Times.Adrià Porta Caballé - 2024 - In Andy Knott (ed.), Populism and Time: Temporalities of a Disruptive Politics. Edinburgh University Press. pp. 75-103.
    There have been many (and good) analyses of the Spanish left-populist party Podemos (2014-16) in terms of ideology, politics and class. However, this chapter focuses on an almost completely neglected dimension of its rise and fall: temporality. Firmly based on Nietzsche’s distinction in the Second Untimely Meditation between three “species of history” –the antiquarian, the critic and the monumental–, and moving on to Heidegger’s reinterpretation, which sees it as corresponding to the three “ecstatic times” –past, present and future–, the following (...)
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  5. El vacío del populismo latinoamericano frente a la ontología política europea.Adrià Porta Caballé - 2021 - Res Pública. Revista de Historia de Las Ideas Políticas 24 (1):63-74.
    El presente artículo pretende mirar a Latinoamérica desde la perspectiva de la ontología. Y como hay algo que no acaba de encajar, busca en el inexplorado terreno de la meontología y el no-ser a partir de dos pensadores políticos latinoamericanos recientes, Dussel y Laclau. Por un lado, la Filosofía de la Liberación asocia el centro con la ontología y el ser, así como la periferia con lo Otro y el no-ser. De esto se desprende que, aun y asumiendo el heideggeriano (...)
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    El vacío de Podemos: meontología política del cambio en España.Adrià Porta Caballe - 2024 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 13 (2):211-219.
    La mayoría de análisis sobre el Podemos original (2014-2016) han tendido a prestar más atención a lo que este era (sus líderes, militancia, votantes, programa y discurso), antes que a lo que no era (su negatividad, falta de esencia o el vacío que consiguió representar). El presupuesto ontológico de que Podemos re-presenta una suerte de ente con una determinada esencia se ha podido entrever incluso en sus crisis internas. Por el contrario, este ensayo busca primero precedentes para una me-ontología política (...)
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  7. The deconstructive effects of combining discourses. A case study: Marxism and psychoanalysis.Adrià Porta Caballé - 2023 - Psychoanalysis, Culture and Society 28:411–429.
    Can deconstruction be accomplished not through the close reading of just one discourse, but through its combination with another? This paper aims at exploring this second way of performing deconstruction through a particular case study: Marxism and psychoanalysis. In the body of the essay, the history of Freudo-Marxism is divided into two parts, depending on which psychoanalyst stands as point of reference: Freud or Lacan. We proceed by studying the four main strategies by virtue of which a genuine combination between (...)
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    El principio mitológico y el origen racional del concepto de “vacío” en la filosofía presocrática.Adrià Porta Caballe - 2024 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 41 (3):515-526.
    La explicación tradicional del concepto de “vacío” (τò κενóν) en la filosofía antigua lo sitúa como una invención del atomismo de Demócrito y Leucipo o, incluso, del eleático Meliso de Samos. De esta manera se ocultan las profundas razones que pudieron llevar a la necesidad y surgimiento de un tal concepto, y aparece como si hubiera sido creado _ex nihilo_. En este artículo se pretende descubrir tanto el principio mitológico como el origen racional del concepto de “vacío” en la filosofía (...)
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  9. Agricultura sin tierra.Vicente Caballer - 2005 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 40:115-121.
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    Ceremonia Doctorado Honoris Causa.Monseñor Fernando Caballer - 2008 - The Chesterton Review En Español 2 (1):147-150.
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    Historia de los verdes.Esteban Cabal - 1996 - Madrid: Mandala Ediciones.
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    Undocumented migrant mothers and health cuts in Madrid: A gendered process of exclusion.Laura Caballe-Climent - 2018 - European Journal of Women's Studies 25 (1):28-40.
    In 2012 the Spanish government implemented the Royal Decree Law 16/2012 by which undocumented migrants are denied free access to the Spanish healthcare system. In the midst of unemployment, poverty and cuts in social protection, undocumented migrant women are facing multidimensional exclusions whereby austerity measures are having different consequences for women, especially for those who bear the greater brunt of caring roles in the form of mothering. Drawing upon qualitative research in the form of semi-structured interviews in Madrid, this article (...)
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  13. IIDavid-Hillel Ruben.David-Hillel Ruben - 1997 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 71 (1):229-246.
    One of the essential distinctions in action theory is that between activity and passivity. I address this distinction in this article.
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  14. Explaining Explanation.David-Hillel Ruben - 1990 - Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
    This book introduces readers to the topic of explanation. The insights of Plato, Aristotle, J.S. Mill and Carl Hempel are examined, and are used to argue against the view that explanation is merely a problem for the philosophy of science. Having established its importance for understanding knowledge in general, the book concludes with a bold and original explanation of explanation.
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  15. Commissioned Book Review: Jorge Tamames, For the People: Left Populism in Spain and the US. [REVIEW]Adrià Porta Caballé - 2022 - Political Studies Review 21 (1):15-16.
    There was a lot of fuss a few years ago about the landing of left-wing populism in the global North at the hands of Syriza, Podemos, La France Insoumise, Corbyn and Sanders, but there has not been as much critical evaluation on their breakthroughs and limitations after their electoral defeats. Jorge Tamames’ book "For the People" attempts to do so by focusing on two particular case studies: Spain and the United States.
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  16. Review of "Seven Essays on Populism" (Polity Press, 2021), Paula Biglieri and Luciana Cadahia. [REVIEW]Adrià Porta Caballé - 2022 - Populism.
    “There is a long tradition in Latin American debates that is not well known in Europe and the United States…” (p. 89). This sentence, almost read in passing in the middle of the book in relation to two different conceptions of the nation, can be said to summarize the main spirit behind Biglieri and Cadahia’s populist actualization of Mariátegui’s classic, Seven Interpretative Essays on Peruvian Reality (1928). In this case, the book we have in our hands is difficult to define (...)
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  17. Reseña de "Giorgio Agamben. Politica sin obra" (Gedisa, 2020), Juan Evaristo Valls Boix. [REVIEW]Adrià Porta Caballé - 2022 - Valenciana 29:391-396.
    Seguramente lo más interesante de la suspensión de la cuenta de Twitter del ya expresidente Trump después del asalto al Capitolio no sea el debate tan manido sobre los límites de la libertad de expresión, sino el hecho mucho más significativo de que hoy es Twitter quien decide sobre el estado de excepción. Para desentrañar esta particular relación entre técnica y estado de excepción tan característica de nuestro predicamento contemporáneo, hay que leer a Giorgio Agamben. En este sentido, el libro (...)
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  18. On citizens' right to information: Justification and analysis of the democratic right to be well informed.Rubén Marciel - 2023 - Journal of Political Philosophy 31 (3):358-384.
    The idea that citizens have a right to receive information that is relevant for their suitable exercise of political rights and liberties is well established in democratic societies. However, this right has never been systematically analyzed, thus remaining a blurry concept. This article tackles this conceptual gap by conceptualizing citizens’ right to information. After reviewing previous approaches to this idea, I locate citizens’ right to information on the map of communication rights, and put forward a systematic framework for both justifying (...)
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    Varieties of Social Explanation: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Social Science.David-Hillel Ruben & Daniel Little - 1993 - Philosophical Review 102 (1):120.
  20. Action and Its Explanation.David-Hillel Ruben - 2003 - Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press.
    Book synopsis: David-Hillel Ruben's new book pursues some novel and unusual standpoints in the philosophy of action. He rejects, for example, the most widely held view about how to count actions, and argues for what he calls a 'prolific theory' of act individuation. He also describes and argues against the two leading theories of the nature of action, the causal theory and the agent causal theory. The causal theory cannot account for skilled activity, nor for mental action. The agent causalist (...)
  21. The Metaphysics of Action: Trying, Doing, Causing.David-Hillel Ruben - 2018 - London: Palgrave Macmillan.
    A discussion of three central ideas in action theory; trying to act, doing or acting, one's action causing further consequences.
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  22. Coping Styles and Its Relationship to the Personality Traits of College Students (9th edition).Axle Nicandro, Lara Alliah Cabales, Jhon Joshua Del Rosario, Dela Cruz, Jahna, Benjamin Clidoro, Angela Bilan & Jhoselle Tus - 2023 - Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal 10 (9):950-955.
    This study investigates the relationship between personality traits and coping styles among college students in private higher educational institution. Hence, employing correlational design to assess the relationship between coping styles and personality of 150 college students. The statistical analysis reveals that the r coefficient of 0.54 indicates a moderate positive correlation between the variables. The p-value of 0.00, which is less than 0.05, leads to the decision to reject the null hypothesis. Hence, a significant relationship exists between coping style and (...)
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    Thefollowingshortbiographieshavebeenreprinted, withpermission, fromthe 139 biobibliographies published in The Cambridge History of Renaissance Philosophy, edited by Charles B. Schmitt, Quentin Skinner, Eckhard Kessler, and Jill Kraye (1988). Some minor changes have been made and the bibliografi-phical information included there has been omitted. [REVIEW]Cabalism Hermeticism - 2007 - In James Hankins (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Renaissance Philosophy. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 346.
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    Prioritizing the vulnerable over the susceptible for COVID‐19 vaccination.Siegfredo R. Paloyo, Alvin B. Caballes, Ana Melissa Hilvano-Cabungcal & Leonardo De Castro - 2021 - Developing World Bioethics 22 (3):162-169.
    Developing World Bioethics, Volume 22, Issue 3, Page 162-169, September 2022.
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    (2 other versions)The Metaphysics of the Social World.David-Hillel Ruben - 1985 - Philosophy 61 (237):421-423.
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  26. The metaphysics of the social world.David-Hillel Ruben - 1985 - London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
    A careful elaboration and defence of holism in the philosophy of the social sciences, with regard both to particulars and properties. The last chapter addresses the issue of the irreducibility of holistic explanation in the social sciences.
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    The dark side of Eureka: Artificially induced Aha moments make facts feel true.Ruben E. Laukkonen, Benjamin T. Kaveladze, Jason M. Tangen & Jonathan W. Schooler - 2020 - Cognition 196 (C):104122.
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    How to Detect Insight Moments in Problem Solving Experiments.Ruben E. Laukkonen & Jason M. Tangen - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  29. Hume on Structural Prejudices (Including His Own).Ruben Noorloos - forthcoming - Southern Journal of Philosophy.
    This article explores the connections between David Hume's theory of prejudice, present-day theories of structural ignorance, and Hume's own racist attitudes. Charles Mills has identified certain types of ignorance, including racial ignorance, that result from social structures. Here, I argue that Hume can do something similar. Hume uses the concept of prejudice to theorize the misjudgment of someone based on their perceived membership of a certain group. Despite its seemingly individualist presentation in the Treatise, Hume's theory can, as a result (...)
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  30. Deliberative Newsworthiness: A Normative Criterion to Promote Deliberative Democracy.Rubén Marciel - 2025 - Journal of Media Ethics 40 (1):28-42.
    What should be news in a democracy? This article offers a deliberative answer to this question by developing a deliberative account of newsworthiness. Drawing from the deliberative theory of democracy, I define the general criterion of deliberative newsworthiness as a mandate that commands journalists to seek, select, and report the contents that are most capable of stimulating high-quality deliberation. I then develop a two-step process through which journalists may apply this criterion. First, journalists should select the most newsworthy issues, which (...)
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  31. A conditional theory of trying.David-Hillel Ruben - 2016 - Philosophical Studies 173 (1):271-287.
    What I shall do in this paper is to propose an analysis of ‘Agent P tries to A’ in terms of a subjunctive conditional, that avoids some of the problems that beset most alternative accounts of trying, which I call ‘referential views’. They are so-named because on these alternative accounts, ‘P tries to A’ entails that there is a trying to A by P, and therefore the expression ‘P’s trying to A’ can occur in the subject of a sentence and (...)
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  32. Traditions and True Successors.David-Hillel Ruben - 2013 - Social Epistemology 27 (1):32 - 46.
    What constitutes numerically one and the same tradition diachronically, at different times? This question is the focus of often violent dispute in societies. Is it capable of a rational resolution? Many accounts attempt that resolution with a diagnosis of ambiguity of the disputed concept-Islam, Marxism, or democracy for example. The diagnosis offered is in terms of vagueness, namely the vague criteria for sameness or similarity of central beliefs and practices.
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  33. The Physical Action Theory of Trying.David-Hillel Ruben - 2015 - Methode 4 (6).
    Metaphysically speaking, just what is trying? There appear to be two options: to place it on the side of the mind or on the side of the world. Volitionists, who think that to try is to engage in a mental act, perhaps identical to willing and perhaps not, take the mind-side option. The second, or world-side option identifies trying to do something with one of the more basic actions by which one tries to do that thing. The trying is then (...)
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    Can observing a Necker cube make you more insightful?Ruben E. Laukkonen & Jason M. Tangen - 2017 - Consciousness and Cognition 48:198-211.
  35. Nietzsche.Ruben Berrios & Aaron Ridley - 2000 - In Berys Nigel Gaut & Dominic Lopes (eds.), The Routledge Companion to Aesthetics. New York: Routledge.
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    Ethics in Online AI-Based Systems: Risks and Opportunities in Current Technological Trends.Joan Casas-Roma, Santi Caballe & Jordi Conesa (eds.) - 2024 - Academic Press.
    Recent technological advancements have deeply transformed society and the way people interact with each other. Instantaneous communication platforms have allowed connections with other people, forming global communities, and creating unprecedented opportunities in many sectors, making access to online resources more ubiquitous by reducing limitations imposed by geographical distance and temporal constrains. These technological developments bear ethically relevant consequences with their deployment, and legislations often lag behind such advancements. Because the appearance and deployment of these technologies happen much faster than legislative (...)
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  37. Social wholes and parts.David-Hillel Ruben - 1983 - Mind 92 (366):219-238.
    To what extend can genuinely mereological considerations apply to talk of wholes and parts in discussions of the relationship between individual persons and the social groups, etc. to which they belong?
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    (1 other version)Explaining contrastive facts.David-Hillel Ruben - 1986 - Analysis 46 (4):35-37.
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    Marxism and Materialism: A Study in Marxist Theory of Knowledge.David-Hillel Ruben - 1977 - Science and Society 44 (3):360-363.
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    Responses to Critics of The Construction of Social Reality.David-Hillel Ruben - 1997 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 57 (2):449-458.
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    Health-Oriented Leadership and Mental Health From Supervisor and Employee Perspectives: A Multilevel and Multisource Approach.Ruben Vonderlin, Burkhard Schmidt, Gerhard Müller, Miriam Biermann, Nikolaus Kleindienst, Martin Bohus & Lisa Lyssenko - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    The link between leadership and mental health at the workplace is well established by prior research. However, most of the studies have addressed this relationship from a single-source perspective. The aim of this study was to examine how supervisor and employee ratings of health-oriented leadership correspond to each other and which sources are predictive for employee mental health. We assessed data within 99 teams containing 713 employees in 11 different companies in Southern Germany. Supervisors and their staff completed questionnaires on (...)
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  42. W.B. Gallie and Essentially Contested Concepts.David-Hillel Ruben - 2010 - Philosophical Papers 39 (2):257-270.
    In virtue of what are later and an earlier group members of one and the numerically same tradition? Gallie was one of the few philosophers to have engaged with issues surrounding this question. My article is not a faithful exegesis of Gallie but develops a terminology in which to discuss issues surrounding the numerical identity of a tradition over time, based on some of his insights.
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  43. Reply to ‘attempts’: a non-davidsonian account of trying sentences.David-Hillel Ruben - 2022 - Philosophical Studies 179 (12):3817-3830.
    In various of my writings, both in Philosophical Studies and elsewhere, I have argued that an account of trying sentences is available that does not require quantification over alleged attempts or tryings. In particular, adverbial modification in such sentences can be dealt with, without quantification over any such particulars. In ‘Attempts’, Jonathan D. Payton (Payton, 2021) has sought to dispute my claim. In this paper, I consider his claims and reply to them. I believe that my account withstands such scrutiny.
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    Criterios para la asignación de asistencia mecánica respiratoria en pacientes con Covid 19, una mirada bioética.Rubén Óscar Revello - 2020 - Persona y Bioética 24 (1):90-93.
    NOTA DEL EDITOR: Bioética en práctica incluye también el texto “Criterios para la asignación de asistencia mecánica respiratoria en pacientes con Covid 19, un mirada bioética” del P. Rubén Revello, del Instituto de Bioética de la Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina, quien amablemente autorizó su reproducción para esta sección de la revista. El Dr. Carlos A. Gómez Fajardo, docente de Bioética de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana y miembro del Comité editorial de la revista Persona y (...)
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    Spinoza's Really Confused Ideas.Ruben Noorloos - 2024 - Journal of Spinoza Studies 3 (2):49-65.
    Spinoza’s epistemology aims at the development of ‘adequate’ and the removal of ‘confused’ ideas. His theory of confusion raises many questions, however. It has often been thought that the confusion of an idea is mind-relative, such that an idea might be confused in my mind but adequate in God’s. In this paper I argue that confusion cannot be mind-relative, because an idea’s confusion is determined by what it represents and for Spinoza, ideas are individuated by their representational content. Instead, I (...)
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    Collocation and Constitution.David-Hillel Ruben - 2021 - Metaphysica 22 (2):251-261.
    Many philosophers accept the view that, when one object constitutes a second, the two objects can be entirely in the same place at the same time. But what of two objects such that neither constitutes the other? Can they be collocated? If there can be such a pair of objects, they would have to share the same material constituents. To show that there are two collocated objects and not just one object at a specific time and place, one has to (...)
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  47. Trying in Some Way.David-Hillel Ruben - 2013 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 91 (4):719-733.
    Does 'Person P tried to A' entail that there is some particular, whether a mental act or a brain state or whatever, that is a trying? Most discussions of trying assume that this entailment holds. There is no good reason for holding that this is a valid inference. In particular, I examine one 'Davidsonian' argument that might be used to justify the validity of such an inference and argue that the argument is not sound. See:
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  48. Marxism and materialism: a study in Marxist theory of knowledge.David-Hillel Ruben - 1979 - Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press.
    Argument that Marx has a realist ontology and a correspondence theory of truth. His views are compared to both Hegel's and Kant's. This interpretation departs from more Hegelian, 'idealist' interpretations that often rely on misunderstanding some of the work of the early Marx. There is also a discussion and partial defence of Lenin's Materialism and Empirio-Criticism.
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  49. ‘Except God, no substance can be conceived’: Spinoza on other substances.Ruben Noorloos - 2021 - Analysis 81 (4):656-65.
    This paper argues that Spinoza held substances other than God to be inconceivable. It uses this claim to develop a novel response to the Problem of Other Substances, the problem of explaining why some of Spinoza’s proofs for God’s existence cannot be used to prove the existence of a non-divine substance instead.
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  50. A counterfactual theory of causal explanation.David-Hillel Ruben - 1994 - Noûs 28 (4):465-481.
    An analysis of causal explanation, using counterfactuals and omitting laws or lawlike generalisations.
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